1 min read

Lately Mom

Lately Mom

This is my last photo of my mom, and the last time I told her I loved her - February 5, 2022.

If you can still call or see your mom - do it!  Do it NOW!  And keep doing it, early and often.  Tell her everything about which you’ve thought “I need to tell Mom that”. A day will come when you can’t.

I wrote this short piece for my mom in the pre-dawn hours after she passed.

Lately Mom

Lately Mom, you’ve looked at me with different eyes

Eyes that see past the past, see past today

you’re looking beyond

To where you are going

You see beauty and peace and glory

Sometimes you look up and seem almost astonished

At seeing me there

Your smile widens and your eyes are bright

Like the eyes of a girl

For a moment your pain falls away

The world falls away

And there, in that moment, I can see what you see

Through the  eyes of a girl

You see past the past, see past today,

you’re looking beyond

To where you are going

You see beauty and peace and glory

You love us, and hold us

And  tell us you’re glad we’re here, in this moment

That you know we’ll be alright tomorrow

We’ll take care of each other

And "God be with us"

Then you drift back to dealing with the pain

Or to thoughts of the beyond, to which we are not privy

I'm blessed today Mom

I'm blessed by seeing through your eyes

The eyes of a girl

I'm blessed to see just a bit of what you see

I'm blessed to see that you see beyond

I'm blessed to know your earthly race is run

And Jesus, yet again making good on His promise, welcomes you home

Rest now Mom, rest…

For tomorrow your eyes will open and be forever young, forever…

the eyes of a girl